Welcome to my website

I am Maisie Slater, a 3rd year student at Leeds Art University. In high school, I developed my initial passion in photography while doing my GCSEs. I was more interested in taking pictures than in painting or drawing like everyone else was. I started taking photos on my phone, trying to use the limited photographic technology to create images. When I got my first camera during A levels, my passion for photography grew even more, enabling me to experiment within my imagery and explore multiple genres of photography.

Initially, I was intrigued with capturing architectural images. Taking images from a viewpoint that is often overlooked, bringing mundane buildings into a new perspective showcasing them to people that pass by and would otherwise miss them. My photographic subject matter has dramatically changed over my time spent in university. Starting out with architectural imagery, moving onto experimental long exposure portraits now primarily focusing on environmental and sustainability projects. I enjoy experimenting and trying out different genres of photography as they allow my expand my knowledge and develop my skillset.